Jean GRUNBERGER develops his own models which evidence the combination between beauty, style and technique.

... the relationship of the musician with his bow includes an irrational part which persuades him that everything results solely from his technique,  and has to adapt himself to
discomfort or difficulty in playing... which in so many cases comes simply from his bow.


T r a i n i n g

Symptoms clearly indicate if your bow requires fine adjustment. 
  Read more ...

Il y a des signes très clairs qui indiquent si votre archet a besoin d’un réglage. 
En savoir plus...

T h e  f i n e  t u n i n g  o f  t h e  b o w

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Jean Grunberger is the owner of this website.
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© 2022 Jean Grunberger

Emblematic figure of contemporary bow making,  Jean was taught by master Bernard OUCHARD at Mirecourt school from 1975 to 1978 then by Benoît ROLLAND in Paris.


Last update: July 2024

C o n t a c t

To contact Jean Grunberger

J  e  a  n 
G  R  U  N  B  E  R  G  E  R   
A r c h e t i e r   d' A r t   
